Decision making

In the decision making process, we often consider all the negative things that can happen and forget to consider the positive. We consider or place a higher emphasis on the ‘risk’ associated with the decision. With the risk comes anxiety. Anxiety is the feeling we experience when thinking about the negative side of the equation. An example of ‘risk’ and ‘anxiety’ is the feelings and emotions associated with public speaking. Many people just don’t like speaking in front of a crowd. I get it! It’s risky. What if they don’t like what you have to say? Or what is they make fun of you? Or what is they post it on social media? The list goes on and on.  So, many of us avoid taking the chance.

However, what would happen in your life if you focused on the positive side of the equation. By that I mean get excited about the opportunity. Excitement and anxiety have very similar physical traits; increased heart rate, sweating, nervousness, rapid breathing, etc. Learning to focus on the positive instead of the negative is very important and very difficult. Often the negative is easy because it helps to stop you from trying.

I have been in many situations where I was not willing to take the risk for fear of rejection or ridicule. It is difficult to overcome the fears. But, when I turn those thought to a positive and start looking at the potential opportunities for acceptance and praise. I have a completely different perspective. I become excited about the opportunity.

It really is about how you think that makes the difference. Be positive, believe in yourself and give something new a try today.